Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 2 - First Performance

  This morning, at 6 o'clock, after a quick/special breakfast (thanks Uncle Rick), we left our friends' home and headed for our next destination: Three Seasons Community Church in Berlin, Pa near Somerset.  We were very warmly greeted and welcomed by the pastor and the whole congregation.  I think we'd all admit to some slight nervousness beforehand but once we got up and started playing most of the butterflies seemed to disappear.  We felt very comfortable and "at home."  All of the songs we shared went smoothly and then there was an awesome time of worship as we lead the congregation in praise songs.  It was truly a refreshing time of singing His praise and fellowshiping with our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Special thanks and many return blessings to this church for giving us the opportunity to deliver the entire worship service (Pastor Brian, you are a very trusting man)!  And to the sister who pressed some money into my hand!!  And to the family who left their card and gift beside our van tucked into a case of Gatorade!!!  We felt so blessed!
      Another blessing or small miracle that we experienced this morning had to do with Bethany's voice.  When she woke up her voice was quite horse.  We were worried about her singing too much as it might strain her voice.  However we didn't have much time to change the line up and figure out who would sing her part.  So we decided to see how it went during sound check.After running through a few songs for sound check she was not as worried but still a little concerned.  Then as we began to perform her voice seemed to regain it's strength! 
     We'd decided that she wouldn't sing two of the songs that she originally was going to sing.  Then she came to me right before and said "I think I can do it. I'd like to try."  So she did and it went great!  Her voice held up very well through all of the songs!!  It's so wonderful how God truly takes care of us in the big and small things!!!
     Dinner, afternoon sightseeing and /or naps, supper and friends gathered again in the evening to visit and enjoy more time together. It can't get much better than that folks! Many thanks to everyone who has been lifting our family up in prayer.  Your prayers are being heard! Keep 'em coming :)
   - Helen and Bethany

Forget the yellow brick road - Follow the red and gray van

Mer's awesome glass water bottle, or 'bater wottle' as she calls it.

This church was such a blessing!

Believe it or not, these little ladies came to Dad and started talking to him FIRST!

The worship set was an answer to prayer - we'd picked songs the night before and it was amazing!

Dinner with the Stoltzfus's. These ladies know how to cook and grill!