Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 3 - Chillin' At The Farm

  What can be more glorious than waking up on a farm; surrounded by cows on green fields crisscrossed with fence lines and bordered by tree covered hills?  Tom (in his glory) began driving silage truck around 3 a.m.  The Stoltzfus brothers at Pennwood Farms, Donnie, Glenn, Duane, and Dwight are chopping hay today and are happy for another driver to help bring the crop in.  The trucks are whizzing by on the road in front of the house as I type.  I, on the other hand, slept in till 7 then started the arduous job of re-organizing vans and luggage; which netted in a small load of laundry to wash and hang out in the pleasant summer air to dry. Joanne served a bountiful breakfast, daughter Ashley and son Collin joined us and we began to plan the day. THEY are BUSY!  But we were instructed to "make ourselves at home, oh . . . and pick the raspberries behind the springhouse."  Abby and Serena were invited to go along to a day camp for the area children. Yippee! FUN!  So, there are things in my day like: sitting and staring, reading, napping, more sitting and staring . . . you get the idea.

We did receive word that a close friend of Meredith's, Dominique from New Mexico, is in ICU with multiple, serious injuries as the result of an accident involving a horse.  So add praying to my list today and please join us in prayer for this dear girl.

The rest of the kids are just taking it easy, Michelle is taking advantage of the quiet to spend the time reading. Meredith and Tommy have taken the rare chance to amuse themselves via play station.
It's more amusing to watch them than it is to watch the game they are playing. Bethany is journaling. She is determined to capture each days events on paper.  Everyone is making sure to take advantage of this opportunity to relax and just do whatever. 

[Later today]
 Just got back from Kooser State Park. We took the little girls and their new found friends to cool off play and around on the beach.  Michelle and Bethany came along while Meredith and Tommy stayed back at the farm.  Bethany and the kids were in the water first thing. Michelle, Andrea (mom to several of the children), and I stayed back for a while.  The kids had a blast!  Splashing, having sand/mud fights, playing on the playground, and assisting Bethany in the construction of a sand castle (will post pictures soon). All in all it was a great way to spend the afternoon! 
   This evening was quiet as Abby and Serena are having a sleep over with their little friends.  The rest of us pracitced for a bible study that we've been asked to play for tomorrow evening.  Many thanks to Donnie and Joanne Stoltzfus for their hospitality and opening their home to us!
   Tomorrow is a new day! Wonder what's in store for this family?
  - Helen


Bethany and the kids, seeing what all they could do with the water.

Our friend, the squirrel.

Epic sandcastle that Bethany and all her little helpers made.

Yup - she's a Hertzler.

Mer working hard, most of the day, on her online class.

There is nothing better than new, good friends!